There are old homestead foundations from settlers in the 1700's. They have made small signs by many of the foundations that talk about each family that settled there. One person’s son was killed in the Battle of Bunker Hill in Boston. My guess is in those days most men able to carry a gun were in the militia. I enjoy the history of the New England area.
I took one trail and ended up at a beaver pond with a couple beaver mounds. I saw 5 blue heron nesting in the trees. The first time it took me a while to see the birds. It was very windy and all I could see was a yellow beak protruding from the nest. The second time I visited I saw this heron perched near a nest.

It's 2 miles round trip to the heron nests. Bill is in good shape for a 93-year-old but said he can't walk that distance. I will figure out another way to get him in there as I think he would enjoy seeing them. I wish I had a Rokon Trailbreaker.

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