The drag races, trench, and rock crawling started. Some of the trucks were real loud. You could feel the power in some of them. A couple of the mud trucks had 1000 hp.

The drivers took 2 laps around a course that had 2 jumps, mud, a 360 around a large monster tire, down the back straight which had 2 small jumps and a washboard, looping around to the front straight again. The second jump on the front straight was a truck stopper.

The trench for the mud runs was deeper that it was in May. The last part had a deep hole which had to be 5 to 6 feet deep. It got deeper as some of the trucks that made it in the hole kept their tires going making it deeper. We only saw one truck do a complete run. A couple of the tricks have very large tires and were light enough so when the kept their tires spinning just a little bit it made the truck float to the top of the mud.

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