All weekend I wanted to drive North to look at foliage. I thought I would focus on Barns also. No one was available to go with me. No Kevin, no Pam, no Doug, no Rick, no takers. I decided on Sunday night to head up early Monday morning (Columbus Day weekend).

My plan was to head to the Northeast Kingdom. I would get up early and drive to Lebanon, NH as the sun came up. I would take Route 5 North toward the Northeast Kingdom looking for a barn or two and foliage. OK ... I was up at 4:00AM, and on the road by 4:20AM. I stopped half way up I89 for gas and a Dunkin Donuts coffee. Not many cars, roads were dry, but there was some fog.

Once in Lebanon, NH I jumped on Rt 5. I guess I left way to early as it was still very dark. I ended up pulling off the road and sitting in my truck for 30 minutes. As it got light enough to see I noticed much more fog. You may not know this but Vermont and New Hampshire are divided by the Connecticut River. The water and air temperature combination made for some thick fog. As I like to prepare you would think I would have avoided a road that follows the river in the early morning this time of year.

I moved out only to find I couldn't see more than 100 yards on either side of the road. I could have passed the best foliage and best looking barn in Vermont and wouldn't have know it. To do something different I headed down some dirt roads off Route 5. I saw 4 deer feeding under some apple trees, I took a pic in the fog but hard to see and not much color.
As I continued North I did take a couple pictures of nice barns, The sky is white with fog ... as I continued the fog slowly burned off.

I saw the round barn which is photographed quite a bit. Continuing on Route 5 through St. Johnsbury I ended up taking Rt 5a as I wanted to go to Lake Willoughby. The Northeast Kingdom is so pretty. I looped around several dirt roads in Seymour and Derby. Then headed to Rt 114 to go toward the Canadian boarder. I took a right at the boarder crossing continuing toward Averill.

I took the power line road back to Rt 105. I saw 3 other vehicles in that 30 miles of dirt. Some nice mud in a couple places. Coming off the power line road I took Rt 105 toward New Hampshire. I passed the East Branch Road which I thought of taking back to the boarder. That would have been beautiful and has lots of hunting camps opening up for deer season. Instead I continued to Rt. 103. Rt 103 was a very pretty drive in the afternoon. Eventually I crossed over the Connecticut river in to New Hampshire.

I took Rt. 3 toward Twin Mountain and was tempted to stop at the Cog or the Mount Washington Inn but decided to keep going. I passed through Franconia Notch and back home by 5:45PM.

The sky changed throughout the day. Mid New Hampshire was not peak yet. Way up by Canada it was beautiful but lots of leaves were already down. I was a week late for the Northeast Kingdom. Twin Mountain and Franconia Notch were spectacular. The colors continue moving South and I will get ready for local pictures.
Search Blog Archive: October 2010 & September 2009 - for more Fall Foliage.