The ice looked to be 12 inches thick in the area we drilled holes. We were near a river inlet so the ice was thinner the closer we got to the river. We've had lots of snow this past month. Snow is a good insulator so there was a lot of shush on top of the ice.
Both Rick and Steve had 5 tip ups set up when we arrived. Rick was on the board for pickerel and Steve was on the board for perch. Looked good for both of them most of the day.

Kevin caught this pickerel. It was measured and weighed in the youth category. I looked at the sheet and his catch put him in 3rd place.

By early afternoon Kevin's boots leaked so his socks were soaked. The temperature was in the high 20's with minimal wind. Very sunny so it felt warm on the ice. That is unless you have wet feet. I didn't bring extra socks or boots for Kevin as I thought his boots were waterproof. Steve called James to bring a pair of boots and socks but we weren't sure when he would arrive. I ended up heading back to the truck with Kevin to head for home.

Anyone who has spent time outdoors knows how important it is to keep you feet dry. The big Ice Fishing Derby in NH is in 2 weeks. Wet feet for Kevin won't happen again.
Rick and Steve were knocked out of the winner bracket for their fish. Kevin was in 3rd place with his fish so didn't win anything either. We had a great time and are excited about the NH fishing derby in a few weeks.