We have had some good pictures so it looks promising ... then again doesn't it always??
Bow weekend in NH Ray took this very pretty 8 point. It was a monster. He thought he had a 200lb deer. After a 3 hour drag out of the woods (with
help) his buck weighed in on a certified scale at 198.5 lbs dressed. What a start for Ray. Congrats …

Ray described his deer as still having it's winter coat on top of it's head and summer coat on the body. Looking at the deer closely it looks like it’s wearing a toupee. IS THAT A TOUPEE RAY??? … ARE THOSE SCREW ON ANTLERS??? … IS THAT REALLY A DOE??? … DID THE DH BOYS GET TO YOU????? The team wants to know ……
The trail camera pictures have shown some big deer around. Hopefully we will be able to take one or two.

passed up a doe with a fawn in the morning.
Late afternoon a buck crossed the swamp behind him. He was spotted in his stand as he drew his
bow and swung around. The buck backed
up, snorted and ran off. Steve saw a
couple but too far. Rick took a shot at
a doe and missed. Later he saw a buck
and doe but never got a shot. James saw
a doe but no shot.
Sunday morning Steven M took a shot at doe, missed and hit the rock wall in front of him. He took a different doe on late afternoon Sunday. Rick saw a couple deer but no shot.
Sunday morning Steven M took a shot at doe, missed and hit the rock wall in front of him. He took a different doe on late afternoon Sunday. Rick saw a couple deer but no shot.

10/31 Wayne took this nice 7 point with a bow in Vermont near where I hunt. 175lbs dressed. Congrats Wayne.

Opening NH rifle I was up at 3:45AM. That early in the morning it took 10 minutes to put in my contacts. My eyes weren’t cooperating. Dressed and on the road by 4:25AM heading to Red Hill. It was 19 degrees … high was mid 20’s for the day. Turns out there was 10 - 15 mph winds all day with occasional gusts higher. Where I sat the wind was blowing in my face. Good for deer hunting … bad because it was cold …
My hand warmers started out well. Maybe I shook them to much as they became almost too hot to touch so I had to take them out of my gloves. Then they stopped working after 2 hours. I was on the West side of Red hill so the sun finally crested the hill at 8:20AM. I was cold after sitting in the wind for over 2 hours. I moved around a bit then headed for another area.

Made a big loop and ran in to 2 more hunters coming out of the woods. They hadn’t seen anything all day either. They thought the deer weren’t moving because of the wind so would have to jump them to get them moving. I agreed … grabbed more water … then headed back in the woods.
I continued walking the rest of the day and circled back to my truck again as it got dark. Summary: Cold, wind, beautiful day, wind, blue sky, wind, fun walking, wind, no deer, wind, tired.

We had 10 guys at Mike's house for opening rifle weekend in Vermont. We arrived Friday afternoon to get set up for morning. That night we had bear steaks and venison on the grill compliments of Wayne who took a bear in Vermont. (unfortunately not the one on the trail cam) Kevin had bear for the first time. A bit more chewy than venison.
Kevin and I headed up the hill behind Mike’s house Saturday morning before light. The others headed to different areas. The 3 point rule is still in effect in Vermont. The group saw many does but no bucks in the morning.
That afternoon Kevin, Ryan, and I headed for the mine
road. We spotted a doe and fawn in a
clearing. They kept looking into the
woods. As we got closer they ran to the edge
of the clearing. Their action caused a
buck in the woods to give chase. Ryan
started to chase. Kevin and I looped
around and took up positions in case the deer circled. No luck tracking or turning the buck. On our way back to the truck we spotted PK. He hadn't seen anything. We jumped in our vehicles and headed back to Mike's.
Saturday night we had our big dinner. There were 21 of us. Great time of fellowship, laughing, eating,
stories, etc.
Sunday morning we all headed for the woods. Kevin and I went back to the area where we
saw the buck. Kevin took a stand. I walked the ridge hoping to push something
to Kevin. Good plan but no luck. No bucks taken by the group …

Doug, Rick, Mike, and James headed up early Friday
morning. They headed for the woods
also. Late in the day I saw a doe in a
field. I decided to take my evening
stand in that area.

James was on the ridge behind me and jumped a deer on the way in. He said it was to dark to tell if it was a buck. I was already in my spot but it didn’t run to me. Doug jumped a big buck by the power lines but
didn’t get a shot before it saw him and went crashing in the woods away from him. He gave chase but never saw it again. Seeing good deer sign in beautiful country.
Mike and James headed home Saturday afternoon. Rick and Doug continued hunting and left
Sunday afternoon.

I hunted the area around my club a couple times now. It's in Unit M so no rifles ... shotgun or pistols. The first buck I ever shot was with my shotgun. I always wanted to shoot a deer with my .44 magnum so I take that with me. Should be good to about 50 yards with the iron sights.
The club owns 87 acres. Just behind it is 500 acres which is open to hunting. First time scouting I saw 2 tree stands, some good tracks near a pond, etc. I came on a narrow trail and saw a couple mountain bikers. Hmm ... I did some research and turns out there are hiking and mountain bike trails in those 500 acres.

The second time hunting in the club area I was on a ridge with tracks coming from a pond. Though it was a good spot ... After the 7th mountain biker rode by me I changed my mind. I know I can hunt there but I keep thinking "Be sure of my target and beyond." I know I would "Be sure of my target" using my pistol ... but with the activity in the area I don't feel comfortable with the "and beyond" part. Safety is most important so I'll check out other places ...

My last day rifle hunting I went to Red Hill again. Up early, heading to my spot with a flashlight. As I approached an opening in a rock wall a deer blows ... Deer running I see a side and tail 30 yards out. I turned my flashlight off and stopped. It got quite. Still not light enough to see clearly at distance. I thought "I need to get to my spot". After 4 minutes of standing I take a step ... another blow and crash ... crash ... crash. NUTS ... I couldn't see the deer but the deer could see me.

12/11 at 7:50AM Stephen K, in his stand had 8 does come in at the same time. He had his pick and took this nice doe (135lb dressed).
The VT deer season ended this past weekend with a 16 inch
snow storm. Mike chose the bow over the muzzleloader and went out to hit
feeding areas feeling the deer would be moving. The only deer he saw was
under his own apple tree in his backyard after coming in from hunting for the
day on Sunday. I know he passed on
a couple deer at the beginning of the season …
James had better luck. He got a deer in the early
bow season and went out the last weekend with the bow. On Saturday he
shot a deer (his second). Because he was
seeing plenty of deer he bought an extra tag for Sunday…..even though he had
only Sunday left to hunt because the season closes. Yup, he shot a deer
on Sunday too. Two deer over the weekend, total of 3 deer for the season. Great job James …
He happened to tell Mike …”Remember Dad when you use to
shoot 3 deer in a season?” I know Kevin mocked me last year when he took his deer during youth weekend. (Kids)
1/16/2014 As I finish this post I am sad to say Paul (PK) passed away suddenly and unexpectedly this week. It was a shock to all of us. Paul has been part of our hunting adventures through the years. It was great that he was able to hunt with us this year.
When one of our group shoots a deer we often name the spot after the person. Paul took a couple deer from a rock on a ridge we have been calling "Paul's Rock" for years. We have great memories of Paul and those memories will carry on with family and friends.
Many years ago I started taking pictures of our adventures for the group. Hunting, fishing, shooting, camping, cook outs, etc. I enjoy it and the guys like it. I didn't have as many pictures of Paul as I thought.
In reflection I realized I wasn't taking enough pictures of the people in our group adventures. I will take more people pictures of the group in the future.
A lesson learned from me. The people you share the experience with, are the experience !!!

When one of our group shoots a deer we often name the spot after the person. Paul took a couple deer from a rock on a ridge we have been calling "Paul's Rock" for years. We have great memories of Paul and those memories will carry on with family and friends.
Many years ago I started taking pictures of our adventures for the group. Hunting, fishing, shooting, camping, cook outs, etc. I enjoy it and the guys like it. I didn't have as many pictures of Paul as I thought.
In reflection I realized I wasn't taking enough pictures of the people in our group adventures. I will take more people pictures of the group in the future.
A lesson learned from me. The people you share the experience with, are the experience !!!