I enjoy taking pictures of activities my family and I are involved with. Several years back I decided to make a collage. Would it be a theme, a recap, or what? I would use one of my photos for a background and add my subject photos to show something. I really like the individual photos but there is something about a collage which makes a good summary of an event. They would make nice posters.

Kevin and I enjoy the 2012 AMA Pro Hillclimb event in NH. I put this up on facebook and many of the riders tagged themselves to the photo.

The NH ice fishing derby on Lake Winniepesaukee has been tradition for several years. We have had large groups and small groups. Great time, cold, fishing, food, and some nice ice shanty's.
Kate likes the Ford Mustang so this collage is for her.
This Crash & Burn Collage has some of my crash pictures with a parachute cut-away picture I took. Which is worse? A parachute malfunction with a cut away, cracking up a motorcycle, or rolling/crashing a car/truck/monster truck/snowmobile ... All have the potential to be painful.

This is from the 2013 AMA Hillclimb. I took several pictures of Anthony DeHart so I thought I would do one of him.
I could go back over my adventures and do quite a few of these. If we continue going to some of the same events I may make another collage for a specific truck/car/rider/etc.
Over the years Pam's grandma made afghans for all her grandchildren and great grandchildren. I took one of my sky pictures and made this for her. I also did a Vermonster Monster Truck collage with the BIGFOOT truck in the middle.
Had a great time at the 2014 AMA Hillclimb during Bike Week in NH.
While exploring on vacation I spotted a garden by the ocean with lots of bird houses. It was oceanfront property with no house. On the fence was this sign. The gate had a private keep out sign so I took some pictures from the street.
For years Mike and Lauren have been gracious hosts to us during hunting season. I made Mike a hunting collage with some of our people pics. Great memories. Some big bucks from the group over the years and I thought "Buckwacka" was appropriate.

I recently went to a car show and saw some very nice cars. When I saw a lobster boat with the name "three E's" it reminded me of my 3 daughters.
I shoot pistols at my Fish & Game club a bit. These black and white targets are 5.25" in diameter and the black and green targets are 4" in diameter. At a distance of 12' to 25' who says I can't hit the "Broad Side of a Barn?"
When you go to the top of my blog to "Search this Blog" you can use key words to find the event I blogged about; skydiving, AMA hillclimb, hunting adventures, Vermonster, ice fishing, Monson Village, Whaleback ...
This is a work in progress ...

I could go back over my adventures and do quite a few of these. If we continue going to some of the same events I may make another collage for a specific truck/car/rider/etc.

While exploring on vacation I spotted a garden by the ocean with lots of bird houses. It was oceanfront property with no house. On the fence was this sign. The gate had a private keep out sign so I took some pictures from the street.

When you go to the top of my blog to "Search this Blog" you can use key words to find the event I blogged about; skydiving, AMA hillclimb, hunting adventures, Vermonster, ice fishing, Monson Village, Whaleback ...
This is a work in progress ...
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