Vermonster teamed up with Rock the Hills at Whaleback Mountain in Enfield, NH. Rock the Hills had their snowmobile hill climb and the Atlantic Man Challenge (will explain that below). Vermonster had a hill climb also.

I picked up Kevin and his friend Jeremy at 8AM. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts (tradition) and headed out. I stopped at a grocery store so the boys could get snacks. I wasn’t sure what they would come out with … Gatorade, Swedish fish, popcorn, chips, tic tacs, etc.
We continued to Whaleback and parked along the road.

As we entered there were 3 hills set up for the different events. Snowmobile hill climb, Vermonster hill climb, and the Atlantic Man Challenge hill. It was in the low 20’s when we arrived. The wind gusts were unexpected so the wind chill was cold. It warmed up through the day to mid 30’s. Dealt with the wind all day but was nice in the sun. It was a beautiful day with sun, clouds, and very blue sky.
We saw many snowmobiles in line to register. I’m not sure of all the categories but I do remember the 120cc, youth, 699cc and under, 700cc and over …

The event started with the snowmobile hill climb. Kevin, Jeremy, and I hiked up the hill to watch. I ended up just below the finish line. Kevin and Jeremy were below me. It started with the 120cc class and progressed to the over 700 class. Everyone would go twice. Pictures were ok from there but I ended up heading down the hill to the starting line. There was ice under the snow as I slipped and fell several times on the way down the hill.
I enjoyed watching the starting line activity. Some of the takeoffs were quick.

I have never had a snowmobile so I don’t have a favorite. I saw Arctic Cat, Polaris, Can Am, Yamaha, etc. When I was at the top I did notice couple of the Yamaha’s seemed to be quicker than the rest. Some of the snowmobiles were very loud. The machine we saw and liked best was an “Arctic Cat F1100 turbo”. It was very quiet, sounded like a 4 stroke, and was very … very fast. I’ll take 2 please …

While the snowmobile hill climb continued the trucks started to rumble. I made my way over the Vermonster hill. They would make 2 runs each. The trucks would start up the hill to a sweeping right hand corner then continue to the top.

Up the hill I went looking for a spot to take pictures. They had piled up snow on both sides of the course and put up snow fence. I guess the snow on the sides was supposed to keep the trucks on the track. I had the great idea of crossing over to the far side by the woods (the outside curve) so I could take pictures of the trucks as they came right at me. Because of the snow banks I had to hike to the top and cross over past the finish line. I just made it and was told for safety reasons I had to cross back over and stay on the inside of the curve in case the trucks missed the corner. I did see the first truck come up the hill and it was coming right at me. With my zoom I thought I could back up to the woods so the trees could protect me. Nope … had to move.
Because of the cold the course was not packed down and set very well. There was ice below the snow also. Several trucks didn’t make it to the top and got stuck. They either had to back down or get pulled to the top by the “snow groomer”.

A groomed course, warm sun, and a couple hours to set up made round 2 much better. It was faster with most of the trucks going all the way to the top.
Once round one of the trucks was complete I headed down the hill to watch the “Atlantic Man Challenge” race. Downhill skiing is not my thing so was wondering why it was called the man challenge when women were also entered. In any case it is a 2 person timed ski race. 699cc and down, 700cc and up with Men, women, youth, in each. One person on a snowmobile pulls the other person with skis or snowboard up the hill as fast as possible using a water ski rope. The person being pulled lets go of the rope, takes a wide turn around a barrel placed at the top then continues through the gates to the bottom crossing the finish line.
I took a couple pictures from the bottom then went up the hill. It must be interesting skiing 40+ mph up a hill. It looked like you really need to be to the right or left of the snowmobile to avoid whiteout conditions in your face.
As a fun thing one of the Vermonster trucks pulled this skier up the hill. THAT WAS FAST…

Once that ended it was round 2 for the snowmobiles and the Vermonster trucks. Down the hill I went then up the other hill to watch more trucks. Kevin and Jeremy went up with me.
Once the trucks finished round 2 it was back down the hill to watch more round 2 snowmobile action on the other hill. We had a great time and headed out late afternoon. Looking forward to next year ...
Vermonster Whaleback Collage ...