If you haven’t heard by now Steve aka Sevey is no longer
a bow hunting virgin. Yes he ended his
25+ year bow hunting dry spell last weekend on a nice 115 lb doe. It was quite a story because unbeknownst to
Sevey, he his brother Rick were both shooting at the same deer.
It went like this:
- Sevey shoots….and misses (very typical)
- Deer runs off…towards Rick
- Rick shoots…not sure if he hit it?
- Deer trots back towards Sevey again
- Sevey shoots…he scores…but even Sevey can’t quite believe
- Deer runs off
- Steve sees Rick….. indicates a blood trail
- Rick assumes what most people would that he hit the deer
given Sevey’s poor track record bow hunting.
- But low and behold, lighting does occasionally strike
twice and the Bow hunting God looked down on Steve and had pity…Sevey killed
the deer.
- Steve smoked a very satisfying cigarette over the kill.
We older hunters have hunted together for 20 years in the
Northeast. We have loads of stories
which inspired me to start my blog. We
also raised our children hunting, fishing, camping, etc. and I wish I had the
pictures and stories written down.
Our children grew up and started hunting on their own. They took it upon themselves to take it to
the next level and started doing things that we older guys looked at and said
“nope … too old for that … “. We started
calling them “Dirty Hunters” for their efforts.
We would question their tactics, mock them, trash talk, and get a jab in
any chance we could. It wasn’t because
they were doing anything illegal, but because we were too old to participate
(Different stage of life). All they do
is point to the pictures of their success.
I should explain what we mean by a “Dirty Hunter”. It starts with Time … and I mean lots of time
in the woods; scouting, trail cameras, multiple tree stands, swamps, mapping
out a plan, etc. This has included:
- Time … they spend so much time I the woods before the
season starts scouting and preparing.
- Getting up early to get to their stand hours before
sunrise. 3:30AM is too early for me.
- Wearing hip or chest waders to go deep into the swamps
where the big deer hide during the season.
Maybe I’m too old but if I have to go in to waist or chest deep water to
get to my tree stand I put it in the wrong place.
- Paddling a canoe across rivers if necessary to get to their
tree stands. (Included loading deer into
the canoe, going back across the river to the truck)
- Becoming proficient with deer bleets, blats, grunts, etc
to bring them in.
- Legally bow hunting in areas that you wouldn’t expect the
deer or the deer hunter to be.

The last bullet reminds me of Ryan who had another “DH”
successful hunt this year with what we called his “Taco Bell” buck. He was bow hunting in a quiet area … morning
after morning the only thing he heard was “Welcome to Taco Bell … May I take
your order please?” He took this buck we
named the “TACO BELL BUCK”.
The success of the “DH” group can be seen on my blog from
past years of hunting. 10 point, 11
point, 13 point, and heavy deer … There is something to be said about putting
in the time scouting before the season and going where the big bucks go in swamps,
The rest of the season played out this way. We saw little or no acorns, beechnuts, or
apples in the woods. We saw many deer in
the fields eating grass but that’s not very nutritious. Will be interested to see what Fish &
Game says about the winter kill. Hopefully
2013 will have more food in the woods.
We were out of town for NH Youth weekend. Kevin took a 115lb doe Youth Weekend in
Vermont. I hunted Vermont rifle opening
weekend. 3 point rule, buck only. I saw 2 spike horns and 3 does. Many more does in the fields. The first buck was heavy and I couldn’t
believe it was a spike. There was
a 3rd point on one side but not countable (at least an inch long).
If it was NH I would have taken it.
The second buck was small with spikes that looked like pencils. I wouldn’t have taken that one even if it was
legal. Needs to grow up …
Mike and I hunted two new areas sitting on runs that led
to the grassy fields. No luck spotting
bucks. I am interested in going back to
those areas next year.
The following weekend I hunted in NH. I saw 5 does … and no bucks … nuts … That was it for my hunting time in NH.
Sevey took a doe, Rick a doe, Ryan a 7 point and a 4
point, Derek a 7 point and a doe, Stephen a doe, Mike skunked, James skunked, Brian
skunked … Doug didn't even hunt this year!!!
There were way too many tags unfilled ...
There’s always next year…
Go to: "Search This
Blog" at the top of my page and type in hunting to see
past posts.