NH: 4
MA: 4
VT: 3
Bow: Mike took a doe in NH and a doe in VT. Ryan took a doe in MA. Ray took a 8 point in NH. Derek took a 10 point in MA. Derek took a 13 point in MA. Stephen K took a 7 point in MA.
Muzzleloader: Rick took a buck in NH. Rick took a doe in VT.
Rifle: Steven M took a 5 point in VT. Ray took a 6 point in NH.
I don't have pictures of all the deer at this point.
I am going to try to do these deer chronologically as best I can.
For opening bow, Mike took a doe in NH and a doe in VT (no pictures). Ryan took a doe in MA (no Picture).

Rick said a deer was hit by a car up the street from him in MA. He and Steven M. went back with their bows but it hobbled off. It was a 4 point. Ryan is in a good area. Incident: Ryan decided to move his tree stand. He was in the process of taking it down when he saw a buck (10 point) staring at him. He left his bow in the car so could do nothing but throw rocks. He saw the 4 point the next morning from his tree stand but passed on it as he hopes to see that 10 point again.

Rick said: Derek's deer looks just like the buck he shot ... except his was 110 pounds lighter and only had 2 points and one antler. Other than that, virtually identical.
Mike said: "He would much rather have shot Rick's deer….. Just think of all the problems Derek has to face with a monster deer like that……
1. The tough drag out of the woods
2. People calling you all hours of the night to congratulate you while you're trying to watch Family Guy.
3. The taxidermy bills.
4. Redecorating the living room to find a place to hang it.
Us old guys could shoot deer like that but with age comes wisdom….. we know the problems big deer bring … alas one day Derek will smart’n up!!! Let’s keep pull’n the trigger on skippers!!!!!"
Rick added: "You forgot... the meat would taste like shoe leather. Not worth eating, so why kill an old guy.... to bad we can't hunt spikes in VT anymore. They're forcing us to cull these poor old bucks."

All kidding aside, congratulations Derek. That's a buck to be proud of. Derek said there is another big buck in the same area. Yea right ...
Rick took a nice buck on Red Hill during muzzleloader in NH (no picture). Hey Rick! Tell us again how your deer had spots and antlers!! Just kiddin ...
Other than youth weekend with Kevin, I have yet to get out in the woods. To much going on with visiting colleges, etc. As you can see I am living vicariously through my hunting buddies.
David and Stephen K. hunted Red Hill on opening day rifle (Wednesday) in NH. I was up at 4:00AM Thursday morning to drive to Moultonborough to join them. I arrived to find David wasn't feeling well. Stephen and I went to the "L" to hunt. I went up to Kevin's rock figuring it was a good area after seeing doe's on youth weekend. Stephen went to the landing. They left early afternoon for home while I continued to hunt. It was warm and the leaves were very crunchy. Like walking on corn flakes.
I moved around a while but didn't see much in the way of scrapes or rubs. I decided to try to find a spot and sit quietly figuring anything moving would make lots of noise.

Friday I did more walking on the "L". I saw my first rub on top with a couple scrapes. I jumped 2 deer but couldn't make out antlers. Mid afternoon I packed up and headed to Vermont for opening rifle. There should be 10 of us hunting this weekend.
When I arrived in VT late afternoon Friday there was more "Derek Talk." During the 2007 Bow season in MA he shot a big buck but didn't bring it down.

We were all wondering if the heavier 10 point was the father of the 13 point, or were they brothers, or cousins. We guessed they may be 5 - 7 years old. What a gene pool in that area. Derek will have both heads mounted and measured. We are thinking they wouldn't make Boone & Crocket but may make Pope & Young. Rather amazing ...

Saturday, 11/21, I was up at 4:10AM to drive to Red Hill in Moultonborough. My plan was to still hunt at first light.

My GPS indicated I was almost a mile north and 250 feet higher from where I parked my truck. At 3PM I decided to find a closer place to park and an easier way back to this spot for the morning so I followed the run down hill toward the road. I hit 3 fields with houses which basically pushed me back toward the truck. Nuts.
Sunday morning, 11/22, I slept in until 4:25AM. I headed straight to the scraps through the woods and sat until late morning. Then I started up the run to see where it took me. I ended up jumping several deer but no visuals for antlers so no shot. I followed an old skidder trail which took me back toward my truck but up hill. I had to head home mid afternoon so headed down hill.

I went back to Red Hill in NH on Friday, 12/4. My plan was to hunt my way to the top. I got to the top alright with no luck seeing deer. It was quite the little adventure. Read my "A Hunt or a Hike?" post. Rifle season in NH ended Sunday. I don't have time to go to VT muzzleloader so my season is officially over.
Rick and Stephen went to Mike's in VT for opening muzzleloader this weekend. It snowed a bit on Saturday night. Rick took a doe on 12/6.
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