On Sunday, November 2, 2008 I sat on a rock overlooking a clear cut field with stumps and brush. At 4:20PM a deer came down into the field between me and a house to my left up on a hill. Then two, then three, then four … I had my gun up (muzzleloader), safety off. I was looking at a medium weight doe and 3 fawns. I could shoot a doe or a buck at this time. They turned and stood 15 yards in front of me. They didn't see me or smell me as I was very still and the wind was blowing away from them. If any of them had antlers or all mature I would have taken one. If I took that doe, the fawns wouldn’t make it so I made the decision to pass. I consider myself a Sportsman as well as a hunter. It was the right thing to do. I was getting very cold as the sun was going down and the wind was blowing. I finally got a cramp and had to move my leg. When I did the doe gave a snort and ran to the middle of the field. Two fawns followed and one went the wrong direction back to where they came from so the doe stopped about 60 yards away. They slowly walked to the side of the field to the top of the ridge (110 yards). I moved a bit and looked through binoculars. The doe started to stomp and snort at me. She must have snorted a dozen times then slowly went into the woods. There was noise to my right when they were standing in front of me. I was hoping more deer (a buck) would have been following the doe but no such luck.The real upsetting thing was that my camera was in my pack so I didn't get pictures. The whole time she was snorting at me I was thinking ... you're not out of range .. .I can still shoot you ... you be nice to me and stop mouthing off ...
November 14 - 16, 2008 VT

I had a real tough time trying to figure out where to hunt as I hadn’t been out to scout yet. The 3 point rule in Vermont has been successful so numbers and weights are up. My choices: The Town Line, Jurassic Hill, Sargent Hill, Cream Street, the Boulders, off the Copper Mine Road, The Valley. They made fun of me because I couldn’t choose. I finally decided I was going to hunt Sargent Hill. I walked in and saw some good runs and some sign so I was set.

Doug had to get back to camp so I crossed the road to the Jurassic side and followed the tracks into the swamp. I never caught up with it. I was embarrassed to talk with the guys when everyone gave account for how many deer they saw in the woods over the weekend. I saw 4 deer.
November 21 - 23, 2008 VT
I headed back up to Mike’s Friday night. I was beaten down from the weekend before so I decided to go to Jurassic where most of the activity was.
Sunday we decided to hunt the Town Line area. This is where I shot an 8 pointer several years before on the left side of the hill. The group spread out. I went to the same spot I shot my deer. Came across some tracks and some scrapes but didn’t see any deer. The others were on the right side of the hill and saw many deer. Steven saw 9, Mike saw 7 or 8, etc. Mike started in a field and saw several, then proceeded up the line markers toward Steven. There were lots of deer being pushed around BUT NOT BY ME. That afternoon I decided to sit on the Field Mike started on but didn’t see anything.
I spent THANKSGIVING weekend in CT with the family.
Rick said he was going up to hunt Red Hill in Moultonborough, NH on Saturday the 29th and asked if I wanted to go. I had never hunted Red Hill. I was still in CT with family so I passed. Rick went up early that Saturday morning and started up the hill toward the fire tower. He saw a well used run he had know about from previous scouting and decided to sit for an hour. Maybe to rest also as Red Hill is a steep climb. After sitting for a few minutes Rick saw a deer come down the hill onto the run and toward him. It was a doe. He said he heard deer grunts also. His thought was another hunter was close and was using a grunt call. He wouldn’t stop grunting and Rick started to get upset. It turned out to be a 4 point buck following that doe (hot doe) about 100 yards behind. Rick shot his SECOND buck in a week. I WAS IN CT REMEMBER!!
Doug called me and told me. I called Rick and was happy for him. I told him it was nice that at least one buck he shot had his name on it …
December 6 - 7, 2008 I went to Moultonborough, NH and was in the woods by1:30PM. There were several scrapes behind Kevin’s rock in the pines so something is moving through there. The leaves and snow patches were crunchy so I was very loud. The wind was blowing also.
I was in the woods by 6:35AM Saturday morning. Cold but no wind in the morning. By late afternoon the wind started.

No deer either day but I did find a nice shed in the woods. I found the right side (4 pts) and thought I would start to circle to find the other … WHERE ARE MY PRIORITIES … I AM HUNTING … I continued to hunt instead.
I sat at the bottom of the field Friday and Saturday for the evening stand where I saw the doe and 3 fawns. No luck.

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