Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Row, Row, Row your boat ...

There are many types of boat moorings including quays, wharves, jetties, piers, anchor buoys, and mooring buoys.  Fishermen often secure their fishing boats to a mooring away from a dock or the shore.  Small boats are used to go back and forth from the dock to the fishing boat off-shore.

I call them "Rowboats" but some have motors attached so I guess that may not be the right name.  Oh well … 

You see all kinds of rowboats.  New, old, painted, beat up, full of water, named, nameless, repurposed, etc.  All must do their job or they wouldn't be there.

On occasion, I will take pictures of the buoys and the boats.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous blog. Enjoyed every one of these beauties. Peaceful and great eye, Bri! Thank you for sharing them with us!
