Monday, December 16, 2019

Visiting Rockport, MA - 2019

I visited Rockport, MA a couple times over the summer to see the sunrise.  Throughout the summer there are many people walking around and many boats in the harbor.  

As the sun came up the lobster boats would head out.  A drone gives the ability to take pictures of the sun shining on the buildings also.

On December 16, I decided to go to Rockport so I left mid-morning.  There was no sunrise for me to

see, it was cloudy, it was windy, and it was the day before a predicted snowstorm.  The sky was grey and made some of the other colors pop a bit.

I stopped by Good Harbor beach on the drive to Rockport.  The full moon made the low tide very low.  Not many were walking on the beach because of the wind.

When I arrived in Rockport the harbor had a few fishing boats but the summer sailboats, kayaks, and cabin cruisers were gone.  It was 30 degrees with 10 – 15 mph winds.  My hands got cold when taking pictures because of the wind.

Since it was below freezing, I let the controller, batteries, and drone get used to the cold.  I hovered the drone for a minute or so before flying off to get the motors warmed up.  The cold will shorten the battery time for flying.  From my reading, the cold shouldn’t be a problem but moisture in the air combined with the cold is something to watch out for.  Drone propellers and the body itself could ice up just like an airplane and could cause the drone to become unstable and crash.  Below freezing temperatures, damp weather, and altitude changes when flying are things to consider.

There weren’t many people or cars around.  It was still early so many of the shops weren’t open yet.  I like this town picture.  My RAW version has so much detail.
It did get me thinking about what Rockport would look like at night all lit up.  Hmm … maybe another excuse for a visit.

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