Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beaver Brook - A Trek to the Pond ...

I have been doing a fair amount of hiking in the local area this spring.  Through some exploring I have found some nice loops that are several miles long.  

I found a couple remote ponds.  One I have been to 7 times and have only seen a couple other people pass by walking their dogs.  The end of March I saw many geese and quite a few ducks. 

I am no expert when it comes to waterfowl.  The Canadian Geese definitely sounded off when they saw me and would slowly swim away.  The ducks were pretty skittish and would fly away.  I guess the trick is a stealth approach … and a zoom lens.  I saw Mallards, Wood Ducks, and I was told a Hooded Merganzer.  The ducks seemed to stay close to the grass and I wasn’t able to get very close.

Stealth worked with the geese and I was able to get closer.  I spotted these 2 turtles on a log.  They were checked out by this goose but stood their ground.

Several weeks later the geese disappeared and no ducks spotted.   

I spotted this Great Blue Heron with it's wings extended.  Question: Is this heron sunning itself ... praying ... drying off ... covering up its kill … What? 

After a few minutes it brought its wings back in.  As I moved closer it spotted me and flew off.  I repositioned myself under a big pine tree.  10 minutes later I was surprised to see 2 Blue Heron flying together circling.  It was a bad position on my part being under a tree with my camera on a tripod.  I was only able to get one picture of them flying in the same frame before they disappeared.  I also saw these two geese mating.
I spotted this Heron and moved closer.  I watched it fishing in the shallow water.   As I watched it a duck came out of a duck box nearby and sounded off as it flew away.  I didn’t know ducks could fly so fast.  

I did not get a picture of the beaver swimming before disappearing under the water.

Walking through the woods I have seen a beaver, hawk, deer, porcupine, turkey, and an owl.  I would like to see and get a picture of a bear (they are now searching for food), fisher, fox, and a bobcat.  

My treks to more ponds continue …

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