Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day weekend 2009

It was a busy Labor Day weekend for us.

Friday afternoon we headed to Barrington, NH to visit with Anthony’s folks. The kids went boating and swimming. Toby and I went fishing early evening until it got dark. I caught this fish. (oh my) … There are some real big bass in the lake but we didn’t have much luck that night. We talked by the fire for a bit longer and headed for home around 9:30PM.

Mike had his annual Labor Day Cookout on Sunday afternoon. Katelyn and Courtney ended up needing to work so that altered our family plans. This would definitely change the lineup for the volleyball teams.

With this, Kevin and I made “Boys Time” plans to go to Vermont on Saturday. He wanted to camp so we got our gear ready and headed up late Saturday morning. The plan was to find a spot to pitch our tent. I didn’t want to camp to far from the truck since it would be just the two of us. Kevin wanted to camp somewhere off the Copper Mine Road (Class 4/5 road).

As soon as we finished setting up our tent we headed for Bethel, VT to the river. There is a place with large rocks and deep water where we can jump. We connected with 10 others at the rocks. After swimming for a bit we headed to Mike’s for dinner. I showed Kevin the pole on the way back.

At Mike’s Kevin found a skateboard with large off road wheels on it. The backyard goes down hill so Kevin sat on it and rode it down to the fence. Almost everyone tried the same thing with minimal to no success. Excuses from the adults ranged from “I’m much bigger … much heavier … center of gravity is much higher … etc. My thought was “lack of balance due to age …”. This was denied by my hunting buddies. Hehe

At 8:15PM Kevin and I headed for the tent so we could set up our cots, sleeping bags, etc. and get a fire going before it got too late. (I brought fire wood) It was pretty much a full moon and very clear.
Being so far away from houses and lights I brought my tripod so I could take night pictures of the stars. A great plan but the moon was so bright it washed out the stars. The fire and the moon lit up the area so well we didn’t need flashlights. We sat in our chairs by the fire. At 9:30PM Paul, Doug, Steven, and Mike showed up in Paul’s truck.
At 10:30PM they headed back to Mike’s place. Kevin said he wanted to stay up all night. I kept the fire going but he fell asleep in the chair about 11:10PM. At 11:30PM I woke him up to get him into the tent. I made sure the remaining fire was contained and we were in our sleeping bags by midnight. The temperature dropped to low 40’s. Kevin and I must have 50 degree bags as it was a bit cold. The tent we used had seen better days so it was retired. I will buy another tent and bags rated for colder weather.

We woke up Sunday morning at 6:30AM and walked around a bit. Kevin wanted to start shooting as we brought a couple guns but I told him it was too early. I wanted to break down camp as I wasn’t sure our plans for the day would include coming back to where we put our tent. We drove to the general store so I could get a cup of coffee but they didn’t open until 8:30AM. We headed over to Mike’s and had breakfast with everyone.

After breakfast Kevin wanted to shoot. I brought a .22 pistol, my .44 mag, and a .410 shotgun. My grandpa in Iowa owned this .410 and used it on the farm. Mike let Kevin shoot his 30-30 so he could see if he liked it. We set up cans and shot until we were out of ammunition. Kevin loved the 30-30.

We still had some time before the cookout so we hiked to one of the copper mine shafts. They are full of water now. The copper shavings and whatever they used to extract the copper has turned the water an interesting color. Don’t touch … don’t drink.

We headed back as the cookout started and many more people showed up. Great time of food and fellowship. The weather was great. Steven complained that most of his championship volleyball team (Courtney, Megan, Katelyn, and Pam) were not at the cookout.

Frank had a .243 and 30-30 that Kevin wanted to see before we left. A .243 would be a good round for Kevin. Frank said Kevin could use either for Youth Weekend coming up in October. The .243 was a bit heavy for Kevin so he opted for the 30-30. We left Mike’s at 4:15PM. On the way out we and stopped a “The VOB” so Kevin could shoot some of the 30-30 rounds Frank gave him.

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