Saturday, March 23, 2024

Experimenting with Intentional Camera Movement - ICM

I was online admiring a photo someone had taken.  Another person asked how it was done and the response was "intentional camera movement".  Hmm.
Wikipedia says "In intentional camera movement (ICM), a camera is moved during the exposure for a creative or artistic effect. This causes the image points to move across the recording medium, producing an apparent streaking in the resulting image ... The effect depends significantly on the direction that the camera is moved in relation to the subject as well as the speed of the movement."
Ironically, I have taken ICM pictures over the years not knowing it had a name.

Doing a bit of research has inspired me to experiment.  ICM does create interesting pictures.  I have a few ideas so I will see what turns up.

Ocean Waves

Lights from Disneyland Hotel

7th Street, Phoenix

7th Street, Phoenix

Loudon Races

You can see with a couple photos below that distant objects do not show as much movement as the subjects that are closer. 

Trees on a hillside

Night Lights